Diablo 3 - Only online playable!

What is for various game-publishers already for several games normal, is now introduced at the upcoming Blizzard-hit game Diablo 3: The Internet coercion. The publisher, which has released other game giants such as "Starcraft" or "World of Warcraft", here is relatively open about the reasons for this decision.

Diablo 3 with Internet coercion
The MMO publisher "Blizzard Entertainment" has announced that Diablo 3 can only be played with an active Internet connection.This is intended mainly as protection for the players against third-party software or changes to the game files (hacks/cheats).

Thus, Blizzard put into the ranks of the publishers, like Ubisoftwho have realized that the protection of the honest players-community comes first.

How do I play Diablo 3?
For this we need an active Internet connection in the futureIt is assumed that the game can not be started without an internet connection. As a result, the players who do not have an Internet-flatrate, can not be expected to play Diablo 3. However, this should be in modern times, with a 98% broadband coverage, no longer difficult.

It remains to be seen how Blizzard wants to implement this protection effectivelyso that all players of Diablo 3 gameplay are identical as possibleVarious protection mechanisms could be integrated in Diablo 3 launcher. A permanent internet connectiona temporary internet connection (must only be connected by the start) or a single internet connection (which can be almost excludedsince this would not provide complete protection on subsequently modified files).

One may be curious, what Blizzard will come up for the hit-game-series Diablo.

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What do you think about Diablo 3?
Will/Do you maybe play it?
Do you like the preview and the pictures of it?
Tell me your opinions in the comments below please!

Have a nice day!

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