Modern Art Museum with Darling


Yesterday was the last day of our pattern making exam~
But I am desapointed I missed my suit jacket T_T

Some new Pronuptia Dresses~

Today it is saturday so, with Hubby, we decided to visit the "Centre Georges Pompidou"
which is a Modern Art Museum~

Getting ready,
Darling made my makeup x))

So goooood to have our makeup made but somebody else x)

But before, went to the latin district , next to my father's shop,
to get a Ice cream  at Amorino.

Saint Michel Fountain

Strike against abortion 

For my part I am for abortion,
it is a freedom, a choice we should all have.

Pistachio and praline on waffle for Darling

Stacciatella ~

Let's go to Museum
I missed Justine XD
We laughed sooooo much during art lessons in high school...
Ahh ... Modern art x)

By Marcel du Champs,
Ready made

Makes me think of a shower curtain ._.

Looks like Dalì works


Special for Justine~

For dinner, direction our "China town" in a free buffet restaurant

Roll spring ~



It was amazing, Darling ate 2 big plates o_o ?!
How ?! XD

Unfortunately, because of restaurant,
I was late for baby sitting >_<
But parents were kind and kids already asleep :)
We watched Incidious with my Love ....
I've been so scared I hurt myself in a brust of fear XD
(plus hubby made me scared >_< )

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