Assassins Creed 4 - New Info

The Ubisoft has not let himself splashed out and soon brings "Assassins Creed: Revelations" on the market.
The release date is November 2011!

Many new dates are known, we look at our times:

  • The main character "Ezio" is now over 50 years old, so the plot plays about 2 years after the end of Brotherhood

  • Spying and fighting this time in Constantinople. The city is divided into four large districts (Constantinople, Bayezid, Imperial, Galata)A part of the game is the player in Cappadocia, a part of Turkeyspend

  • Instead of High-Teck animus Ezio seeks time stamp containing the Altair's memory and allow him to dive into Altair's life

  • New weapons and armor are also available, as it is now possible to bomb making (should be possible up to 300 different types of bomb)

The popular with many people multi-player mode is available, but the focus is on the story. Nevertheless, it is again provided for fun with friends!
It is also possible that his weapons and armor in multiplayer match to his character. Thus, each individual character to match the playing style of the player!
Thousands of fans await the game with great anticipation and it looks like they will not be disappointed!

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What do you think about Assassins Creed 4?
Will you maybe play it?
Do you like the preview and the pictures of it?
Tell me your opinions in the comments below please!

Have a nice day!

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