ESMOD Exhibition and Louvre Museum


Today, no school, but an exhibition about the history of our school : ESMOD

Outfit for horsing, made by tailor

outfit for the day, mayde by seamstress

Before, there were seamstresses for women  clothes:
dresses, lingerie, corsets;
and tailor for men, but they made the dresses for sport, beacause no corset.

I would love to make clothes on these kind of mannequin *_*

Made by students

last student generation~

After, we decided to have lunch to a restaurant fron the "french theater"
called: La Comédie Française
Here, there is teh sit where Molière played for the last time: 
The imaginary invalid ( Le malade imaginaire)
but him ... he was really sick ^^"
He died few hours after.

La comédie française

Our lunch~
I do love goat cheese >_<

Had a little bit of time, so went to Louvre Museum before work.


Apple Store

After work , went back to Louvre museum to finish the evening x)

Mariage Frères

Very good shop for tea, but a bit expensive

There was an event at Louvre, but I do not know which ._.

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