Romeo & Juliet Show

I know .... I'm late -_-"

But I clean my computer and I saw, I wrote nothing about the Romeo & Juliet show !

Actually I wanted to see it since I'm 10 years old !
I was so in love with damien Sargue ( Romeo) with his black and long hair... But now ... In 2010 ... SHORT ! T_T * suicide*
Anyway ... It's not a problem ! Fululu is fell in love with the new Mercutio, John Eyzen. Hehe =p

The new song " Avoir 20ans" ( To be 20 years old)

The song " Les rois du monde" ( The kings of the world)

It was a great afternoon with my friend, I got 2 place just fron the stage ... Awwww, one of my best memories ^^ and just after my Birthday .

The costumes were great too, moderne but with the romantic atmosphere, I especially love the Juliet's dress during the Bal *o*.

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