Fashion University Vol.10 Love and Lolita "life"

It's the end of my school year soon.

Next week, will start mes exams ....

Pattern making => 1week

Fashion Design => 1 week

END => The June 25th

I finished the Child Collection Summer 2010-2011

And my dress ! =D

But ... I'm not totally satisfied...So I will change some things . ^o^

[ I will make other better, but this one was just to see]

Today during my daily Baby Sitting, the younger girl ( 4 years old) made a fit ...

Impossible to undress her up ... Impossible to give her the shower , impossible to put her the pajamas... ok Cold shower ... Not enought ? No sweeties tomorrow and punished in her bedroom.

She cries sometimes but today OMG o_o she wanted to hurt me !

Fululu is stayed calm but she got respect .... Kids nowadays. -_-"

Fortunately the second baby sitting was better, the baby ( almost 2 years old) cried a little bit when his Nanny left home but adorable after ^^

Hard at this time with work lol.

I'm very tired and .... A girl bothers me indirectly ....

She calls MY boyfriend "hubby" "our 4th anniversary" ... and she has a boyfriend ...And she knows that my boyfriend is not single. What does she want ?! o_o

It's so disrespectful for me but especially for her boyfriend ! I'm sad for him.

She speaks more about my bf than his on her blog . -_-"

Ok we all have a bestfriend but ... There are limits.

I'm sure if a girl does the same with HER boyfriend she won't be happy at all.

Sometimes I can't understand poeple ... I'm tired with all. I LOVE my boyfriend, I really want to share my life with him.

Of course I'm still young... But I found someone with who I feel me so good and safe... It's the first time.

After of course, we don't know our future. But it's my current feelings and since almost 3 years now.

I'm happy with him and think I deserve this happiness , to share with him.

We work hard and nobody will ruin that.

I won't give up. She may die. u_u ( French expressions ... How I love ! xp )

I will speak with her face to face.

I don't want a fight ( too pathetic !) just explanations as a civilized girl.

I would like she stop it ... Even by respect for my boyfriend...He is her friend so ... She can respect him more than me, right?

I'm fed up with this kind of action... I'm calm and descreet since I'm young,

Shy and nice with others and some used me... Now stop!

I'm maybe becoming a bitch ... But I don't care ...

I respect others and I get what ? Nothing good.

Nobody has ever seen me fight or really angry ( only once at the beach ... I had a fight with a girl to defending my brother lol.

Rescuers from the beach had to intervene to separate us, there were two men to hold me!)

After what happened with my boyfriend ... I'm stronger. =)

( I'm stronger than yesterday♪ Oh! Britney ~! Lol)

Of course it was very hard ... But it's a life lesson.

Nobody must touch to my family, friends and especially my Love.

And thank you a lot my Future, Daddy Loloche and Old Sister for your support . :)

[ Photo shoot for a Lolita calendar, I was september ]

I was model for a Lolita Fashion show few days ago.

I was the EGL category. There was a Dandy with me ... It was not the idea of the begining but we had de the same colors ! XD

[ With the grou <3 ]

It was my hairstyl for the fashion show ... But unfortunately with rain and wind, out! T_T

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