Time Line: The begining in Art

Actually our narcissim, really started in Art class.
We were free to take photos for our projects etc.
So, Justine and myself, in 2 years, spent more time ... Outside than in the class-room ._.
We let express our creativity thanks to the photography. XD

And indeed, we used often our photos for our art projects,
Our silliness were constructive lol.

We must thank a man:

Mister J.Blanc!
We loved him sooo much !
We were happy to go to art class,
Thanks to him I learnt the "Creative Process",
and how to creat images with ideas etc ...

Mirror, Mirror...

How school kills teenagers

The suicide is a reality for teenagers...
Pression, Stress, Uncertain future...
Ah Life is cruel !

Justine tries to communicate with God !
She wants the divine inspiration.

Justine eating and playing, Mister Blanc teases her x)

THE Team

I remember this day "AWWW Justine !! A barbie's home !*_*"
M.Blanc: " Yes I found it in the streat ... could be interesting"
Of course Baby Fululu explored it immediatly.

Teenager & suicide : part II

Ju' Loved to play with Fululu objects ._.

All rights reserved to : J.C

We spend our best moments in art class ( with philosophy and literature class of course !)
I miss this time ;_;
Peaceful past ...Or more peaceful than now XD

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