Fashion School 2nd year Vol.7+ Life

Last friday, I was in advance for school, so I decided to buy the DVDs of the Beauty and the Beast.
~ <3
Edition collector deluxe please ! XD
I enjoyer to watch the clip with Celine Dion, made me realize,
It's the disney of the year of my birth x)

Btw, Impossible this morning to go to Disney store because:
1: I'm too sick because of med -_-"
Bad mood, deeply tired, dizzy ...
2: still strike so no trains or metro ! XD
Anyway maybe not so bad, 
The ring is cute but I see it like a "toy" then...
I don't want to spend 80€ for it x)
And I'm sure, it will be too tall for me -_-"  as usual with rings.

Then I continued and finished my work for the Fashion design lesson.

Teacher wanted me I draw a man
I did -_-"
I didnt enjoyed to draw this one -_-"

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