Happy New Year 2010 !

Bonne et Heureuse Année 2010 !!!

I'm sorry, I wanted to write a post per day during my lil' stay in Tokyo but ...Unfortunately not time, I was too tired, my days were plenty ! Lol

To visit all Shibuya 109, spend time with friends etc ...It was exhausting.
I really enjoy my stay especially my last day , my boyfriend was kind enough to invite me to dinner at the Christon Cafe in Shinjuku for the new year *o*.

I will write more about my stay later , I started school a week ago and we have a lot of work as usual , so I'm tired ( as usual ! xD).

But today I found on the french Lolita Forum , Cotton Candy, a documentary about Host Boys, it received 5 rewards!

I knew that, to be a host boys it was not so beautiful,
these guys only sale dream, glitter and artificial love, but ...To hear that from their mouths with testimonies and not only writings on some blogs it's a bit differente.
It's more "real" if I may say so.

I won't judge , just tell my own opinion ^^.
First , anyway it's a job like an other ...It's hard, very hard I think, physically and morally, they destroy their health because of alcohol and fatigue, and as we can heard in this documentary ... The hosts themselves are lost, they wonder them if they still have their own personality.

They don't trust in women, and vice-versa.

I find it distressing and sad. They lie between each other.
Today's society is superficial and it is satisfied, at least, it seemed ,to fully comply in dreams and fantasies...

Fortunately all men and women are like that...At least I hope ! o_O

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