Movie: The Red Riding Hood


I spent my day to re-make the sweeties =_= ...

I had  a bit of time during luch so went to walk around.

Viscount of Turenne

at 6pm, meeting with Juju, to go to watch The Red Riding Hood, 
we decided to go to La défense.

Commercial center


After the movie, we didn't spoke a lot, so e went to a restaurant :p
Pizza \^O^/

Otherwise, Ju' gave me a  gift card as B-day present =DDD
So I could spend for **€ at Sephora~
Thank you !! <3 <3


Weather is getting hot~!
So I could dress me up short x)

Shoes doesn't match but I was a bit late, 
and with hight heel+short dress+ the district = rape me =_=
So I didn't wish to take the risk.
and of course, no huge hair or gal make up because not time x)

I don't dare to curl or straight my hair currently, because
last summer at Tokyo I bleached my hair, because of the stupid hair dresser at Paris who dyed it in BLACK instead if my dark natural blonde color =_=.
My hair is a bit damaged on the ends ._.


Well, I've no regrets having paid for it , but ....
If an Edward or a Bella or even Jacob appeared sudenly, I would not have been surprised XDXDXD!!
It was almost the same kind of landscapes and atmosphere, but in an other century .

The story is banal ... I've nothing to say about ,
even not a moral or a thought to think about.

The advange is I was able" to rinse the eye"
( I don't think it's english ?! XD)

Guys were not ugly at all ,
I've a preference for " Henry" :p
The poor he finishes alone ;_;

By the way, before the movie, the usual trailers of the next movies <3

I WANT to see some movies:

1: Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides  

The same date of Darling B-day :p
I must to go to watch it with him x)

2: Harry Potter 7.2
An Obligation XD

With my family and Darling could be great x)

3: The Eagle

Don't think it's a"good" movie but seems interesting ...
I'll see if somebody wants to come with me x)
If not I'll watch it alone at home ._.

4: Thor

Because looks like X-Men =D
and the guy is ... Awww <3 XD

Who wants to come with me ?! 

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