Shopping + Cosmetic review

I'm back at school  >_<
I'm a bit late in work for the pattern making but it's ok.

Now, winter is here with cold weather,
When I left home to go to school at 7am, 4°c T_T
I hate winter =_=

The 25th Nov, is the Catherine's day, THE person for the seamstresses,
the colors are Green & Yellow and the amblematic object is the hat ...
I hate these colors, but I do love hats x)
so I made this one, which could fit with an elegant gothic lolita outfit
( outfit with some green and yellow touchs ofcos)

After class, the pattern making teacher let us to leave earlier to buy fabrics
for our suit exercice.
So => Direction to Marché Saint Pierre,
the last place in Paris for fabrics etc.
 [wool & suit lining]

I took the oportunity to visit the "Sacré Coeur" ( sacred heart) Church
I'm born in Paris, I go often to this district, but I never took the time to visit
the church ^^"
Shame on me.


* Beauty*

I see , often, on TV and web, makeup-cosmetics to get
more-longer eyelashes....
These products are expensive, not that good for health and often inefficient.

I LOVE false eyelashes, but I must admit , I'm lucky , I don' really need them
(Makes me think at Tokyo this summer I was looking for false eyelashes and mascara 
when my boyfriend told " but o_o you dont need it !"
Yes but ... I love soooo muchhh XD)

But I take care of them with oil rincine
100% natural and very cheap ( only 3€)
You find it in pharmacies.

 [With Mascara]


It makes eyelashes stronger and more beautiful.
Of course it's not "magic" if  basically  you don't have a lot of eyelashes, 
you wont have more with it, 
but not more with L'oreal-Chanel-Dior-Gemey Maybelline-etc's cosmetics either. ^^

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