Time Line: Before 2008

I watched old photos on the Justine's Facebook and it made me happy,
I had good memories, when the time was still peaceful, less problems, lol.
So, I decided to look for old photos in my CDs and
make a time line.

[Célia, one of my old and best friend, me and Elia]
@Louvre Museum~
Napoleon III's Appartments

Love Declaration by Céline ~ :p
We were in 2007 I guess ._.

I LOVE chinese cakes ._.

Playing with Mom's glasses ( Yes I was bored XD)

December 2008, I met Rachel, an australian girl from Melbourne
( o_o ! I realize in Mel, I only know chinese persons! XD Gosh !)
came a month to improve her, good, french.
But at this time I didnt meet my boyfriend yet,
so IMPOSSIBLE to understand the Rachel accent in english -_-"
Fortunately, I'm a bit better now.

My baby Maiko ~
I miss her ;_;

A lil' bye bye before Versailles P-Q Concert ^^

[Sophie & Aydrey ( with my Gothic & Lolita Bible, indoctrination !! XD)]
During Justine's B-day party <3

What Aydrey wrote me ...
" I'm making a cute drawing !!"
Of course ._. ...

Justine, Sophie, me.

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