Fashion University Vol.11 Exams, Jury, Models and GPKoala & BBF adventures

We started our pattern making exam the last Monday.
5 hours per day during 5 days... It's exhausting,
but ...I don't have the worse model dress !

Tomorrow I will start the sleeve, I hope, I will finish it soon and with the fewest mistakes possible. >_<

Construction ...

Half mulin....

Makes me think,the last friday we had the jury for our personal dress project.
It's my friend Evy who was my model ^^.

We played with the " photography Studio" at school. x3

I was model for my friend Xiao Xu too.

(OMG how I'm white ><) About it, at the begining of the year, I met a girl in seconde year, Vicky, very sweet <3.>

I'm recently back on ameblo and I re-discovered icons I made with pixel few months ago.
GPKoala and Baby Fululu... Pixel Version xD.

I will make new adventures soon, I miss it soooo much !
Unfortunately, philosophy lessons are finished to draw it * sighs *
I think ...their friendship will evolve... ~ <3

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