Movie: Agora

I went the last saturday with my parents to the cinema, I wanted to see Agora.
I'm very fan of Peplums and other movies which take place in antiquity.

This one is realy a great movie, I really recommand it.
At the end , I even cried...(Rare thing since the last events ...)
The end is so tragic...The slave has had the courage to kill his love to avoid her, the pain and humiliation. Maybe the most beautiful moment.

I won't write a sumary, as usual I will give you the link ^^.

There is an important part about philosophy ( I've thought of Ken ...) and Sciences.
I'm very bad for these kind of things, lol, but it was very interesting!
I understood everything! ( For once ! xD)

But my personnal thought.
since time immemorial, humans find, always, an excuse to slug it out.
Before Judaism and Christianity, in the western world, it was usualy for countries or place, the women were sometimes a good pretext as for Troy with Helen lol.
But after a moment ... It was no enough.
Fortunately, The only God appeared. Fiat Lux !
Then, humans had something new to continue the quarrel!
Halleluja ! ~<3

I won't tell, if it's pagan, Christian, Jewish, agnostic who is right.
Because for me, nobody is wrong and nobody is right. Everybody is free to think what he/her wants, but with the respect of other.

It's what the movie shows for me. The intolerance of each other.
The main character, Hypatia, tells " we have more affinities than differences"...At the birth , indeed.
And we could live in the peace, some people are enough clever, calm, open minded and respectful of others.
Unfortunately, there are always a minority of fanatics who will ever sow discord and who will interpret with a bad way the sacred writings.

I think the world will be never in peace.
Before the last events with my boyfriend, I gave my trust easily...I though if you was sincerely good with others, others will be good with you too.
But now human disgusted me ... I don't believe in human.
People, continue to slug it out, continue to be unfaithful with you boyfriend/girlfriend, to talk crap behind the back of your "friends", and more.
Me, I'm just passing on this earth.


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