Fashion School 2nd year Vol.25


Some Pronuptia dresses

We are currently very busy at school,
final buisness project in group,
last pattern making project ( in group too =_=)
last fashion design project,
in few day photoshop exam,
and the 14th june starts our final exams during 2 weeks.

In fashion buisness lesson

During fabric lesson,
my wife ( a new one) Jasmine, was playing with my lace,
and made a garter XD

One of the afternoon, I started to watch a documentary about Fu Hao (婦好)
who was one of the many wives of the chinese emperor Wu Ding.

She makes me think of Hua Mulan <3 !

I remember Philou: 
Eh ... But we do not have the right to watch TV today.
Do not worry, it's for your culture your mom won't be angry xD

After we did our homeworks together XD

On the road to go to my High school

Lately, I needed rest, had many problems which make me deeply weak.
Very hard to go to school and work ...
So, when I've the time I enjoy the last sunbeams and walk around.

I like to go around my old high school.

Playground, we had so much fun with my Juju <3

Wish to escape~

Town hall

Roses at the Town hall place

Lingerie shop: I've the time I will make that design~

Yesterday I finally went to book my flight for Melbourne
Daling will come first in Paris soon, and we will go back together in Australia till the 5th september 

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