Fashion School 2nd year Vol.24

Back school ~

Some new Pronuptia dresses :)

Well, finally back after a month of internship.

In patternmaking we started  our final project for the year.
We are in group and we will realize the design of our class mate, Karim,
fortunately he is with us in the group =D
It will be easier .

yes I was a bit borred
So I made a little sketch.
New one of Baby Fululu and GPKoala.

It was a hard begining lol
I had many baby sitting, 
new project in fashion design ...
I'm a bit tired ^^

Héloise ~
She was very cute.

When I was younger I complained because I was a bit chubby,
even if I never ate sweeties, cakes, between meals ....
But now I loose weight ....Even if I eay as usual.
I"m 167cm and western =-=

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