Hime test.

A fast post, only to get some advices.
The Dec,11th 2010 I will participate to a fashion show
at a Lolita convention,
I will represent Hime-Gyaru style.
I do love hime but I've a problem:
The clothes.
Usually when I participe to these kind of fashion shows,
I'm the EGL or EGA, 
so it's not a problem for me, because I've these clothes.

For Hime, it's an other story.
Models are too expensive or too pink,
and I've no time to make my own dresses ;_;

Then yesterday, I rummaged in my closet to find a dress
bought 3 years ago at Saigon ( Viet Nam),
( Yes i was already in love with Hime gal fashion style lol.)

 Wig: Prisila (Tokyo)
Bolero: Angelic Pretty
Dress: bought few years ago @ Saigon( Ho Chi Minh City-Viet Nam)
Sock: from Amsterdam
Shoes: by me
Necklace diamonds: Claire's
Necklace pearls: Present
Earings: Claire's
Ribbon: Jesus Diamante
Mini-crown: bought few years ago @ Saigon( Ho Chi Minh City-Viet Nam)
 Wig: Prisila (Tokyo)
Bolero: Angelic Pretty
Dress: bought few years ago @ Saigon( Ho Chi Minh City-Viet Nam)
Sock: from Amsterdam
Shoes: Jesus Diamante
Necklace diamonds: Claire's
Necklace pearls: Present
Earings: Claire's
Ribbon: Jesus Diamante
Mini-crown: bought few years ago @ Saigon( Ho Chi Minh City-Viet Nam)
 Wig: Prisila (Tokyo)
Bolero: Angelic Pretty
Dress: bought few years ago @ Saigon( Ho Chi Minh City-Viet Nam)
Sock: from Amsterdam
Shoes: Charmant ( Japan)
Necklace diamonds: Claire's
Necklace pearls: Present
Earings: Claire's
Ribbon: Jesus Diamante
Mini-crown: bought few years ago @ Saigon( Ho Chi Minh City-Viet Nam)
Wig: Prisila (Tokyo)
Bolero: Angelic Pretty
Necklace diamonds: Claire's
Necklace pearls: Present
Earings: Claire's
Ribbon: Jesus Diamante
Mini-crown: bought few years ago @ Saigon( Ho Chi Minh City-Viet Nam)
Eyeslashes: Tokyo

I've nothing better for hime dress, well , as good representation
just one, which is black, and the waist is a bit tall so,
i must wear this one witha corset,
which is not hime at all.
I've no white shoes, but I've Red ones,
which could suit with me red Jesus diamante bolero,
but not red hime har accessories ._.
Somebody has an advice ?
And, should I wear the dress with the petticoat ( like on pixs)
or without ? 

Thank you ~

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