ESMOD 2nd year ~

[La salle Boisée at ESMOD]

HI !!

I'm back at school since a week now.
We started to work immediatly in fashion design ! Lol.

Choose 2 illustrators ( Victoria Francès for me and Riyoko Ikeda, I wanted to choose Kaori Yuki but...I was a bit afraid the teacher tells me I'm still in my "gothic" world -_-" like the one of the last year lol.)

[Riyoko Ikeda]

[Victoria Francès]

Choose 5 fashion photos:

[Baby, the Stars Shine Bright]

[Sugar Kei]

[Gothic & Lolita Bible Vol.37]
[Marrions-Nous! magazine]

[Bibian Blue]

and with the 5 imposed technicals : Watercolor, pencil, ink, collage and pen;
draw the the fashion pictures like the illustrators we chosen.
So 10 drawings for monday 26th.

Im happy I almost finished today !
And I can say I'm VERY bad with ink! My drawings are horrible and in collage too.
For watercolor I limited the damages but I prefer pen and pencil =3

I'll put the results later, I still have to put them in the "personnal notebook" a tall black notebook with our own personnal world, and I'm in baby sitting tonight, so I've no scanner XD

This year will be focus on our own world, more than the first year.
I'm happy, because since a few months now and especially till August recently,
it's not so easy, I've nausea since my return and I fell sick twice in 10days ...
I'm still sick no voice anymore and it's not better despite of meds.
Moral is not super too, so to be able to work with my "own tools" exactly what I love, I'm relivied.

I remember my 1st fashion design project last year, choose a brand and continue a skirt collection for this brand .
I took Baby, the Start Shine Bright as brand, it was a pleasure to work on this project and i had the best quotation I never had for this kind of project in fashion design last year, even if it was the first !

These 10 drawings were a bit long to do but not boring.

For the pattern making part,
the first week was only to do some revisions, we will start the first woman hewer exercice. Only the top, a half.
I look forward to start our personal woman hewer collection >o<.

By the way, Twitter deleted me some contacts in my "friends" list...
Geeze =_= I must add them back ....

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