Movie Day ^o^

Today, cinema day with justine.
I'm arrived the first, I'm went to sit down awaiting for Justine ; and I hurt my foot on the escalators ….
Blood …. It’s starts well !! XD

We started with Sex&the city II.

What can I say … hmm very American lol.
I won’t write a summary, because I think a lot of people will go to see it.
It shows that, each couples, at some point, can have problems, disputes or need to speak.
Not easy and it can take a while to fix problems, but the most important is the communication.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell what we have in our heart, hard to tell the truth ( example: Carrie) but after explanations, it’s, often, better.


Very cute and funny ! Especially with the Mongolian baby, Bayard.
We saw an older boy wich push him at the middle of the field with cows like “ I hurt you but now you’re lost you won’t be able to tell it! =D ahahah!” XD I joke but it was a bit the feeling.
Mari, the little Japanese girl was maybe the cutest but …. OMG !
We saw the babies since their birth till the first “step”, and Mari she has the the bowlegs , I wonder me how she does to walk o_o !
I saw that at Tokyo , women with super bowlegs , hight heels , and shoes too tall …. You can imagine the walk. Horrible XD
Ok some women are not tall and love fashion but , as for big bow …. It’s silly to have fashionable hight heels if it makes you ridiculous -_-“

About big bow I finished mine, big ! lol
But there to look a bit “crazy” was the goal :p
I made a chocker too.

I realized too, my waist was not as usual, I went to weigh and verdict, 49kg ….
2 weeks ago I was 52kg and before april 56kg.
I really need to make efforts …. And the Darling’s support.
Don’t want to go to the hospital T_T

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