Victoria Francès

[Victoria Francès]

I discovered her in a french gothic magazine ( Crypt'O'Goth, it was great unfortunately, there are had only some volume u_u and finished!) the article shown some images of her first book , Favole, photos of her and somes informations about Victorias, her insparations, technical ways etc.
Immediatly I'm fell in love !
I bough the 3volumes, soooo wonderful !
Unfortunately, the french translation is very very very bad ! I will try to find the books in spanish when I will come back in Spain, next summer.

But even in french, the story is beautiful, poetic and romantically dark.
She doesn't want to be called "gothic" but we can extrac this atmosphere of our mind when we are contemplating her works.

I won't write a biography with dates etc, because you can found everything on web, so, it's useless ^^.

The story: Across the 3 volumes we are following a young woman, Favole, newly vampire, in her journey through the world (Venice, Verona and Genoa for the first volume) to find her beloved vampire Ezequiel.
Through his quest, she will meet other characters, as Necross another vampire, the nymphs and even a young girl with some little trends Gothic Lolita or EGL.

Vol 1: Libère-moi - Libérame- Free me
Vol 2: Larmes de pierre - Lagrimas de piedra - Tears of Stone
Vol 3: Lumière Glacée - Gelida Lùz - Frozen light

She writen other books too, I let you to discover on the web site

Web site:

[From the web site]

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