Lolita World + life

A few days ago,
Moderators on the Lolita_Secrets agreed to post personnals attacks.
Usually there are only 30 secrets Max, but this week : 93 !!! xD

The most funny, to me, is not the secrets in themselves (even if some are so reals...),
but the girls who speak about them after this publication.
Unfortunately I only can speak for french Lolitas, but it's good enough "funny".
Why ?

- A majority think that Lolita "world" is Carebear-land
... Yes but NO, before to be lolita girls are human ...

- Some Secrets are true. I'm sure a lot of girls think the same but don't say.

- " It's not nice to talk crap behind the back" => Sometimes it's the first girls who do it.

- Maybe the fact that's anonymous, it's more frustrating, that's why so many gals are angry, they would LOVE to know who writes that, to have a name, a face and , why not, take a revenge on the autor.

- It's funny to see how on forums (french for me so, I don't know for others) all girls are sweet. If you read, you can think that they all are friends. But no ....
I realize, no I knew it actually, I see all the Hypocrisy there is .

I don't know if it's funny or scary actually ... xD

For my part, lolita secret about face was not really nice indeed, even if I think that some girls are not beautiful for me ( but as you know, beauty is subjective, and for love and friendship, inside)But a face is not a dress ... You can't change it.
It's not your fault or a mistake taste. So I won't say something about face.
But when I saw some lolita who are "fat" ( eh sincere ...)and who wear dress to small for them ...I say, it's ugly !

Clothes are here to highlight the person, not the contrary.
The only one person who is here to show the clothe before him/herself is the model on Podiums during fashion show.

Even with a unruly face, with a few superfluous pounds, you can look good in lolita.
I saw some lolita who are not skinny at all and who wear corset perfectly! They have pretty face too.
But with correct model cloth and correct style.
For my part...I don't look good in sweet lolita or some short gothic lolita models.
Well ... Ok I don't wear, I can stay myself even if I don't wear all I like.

Well ... I'm in good mood today I give you the link =p

A last little thing about my "wonderful life" lol.
Last saturday I went, with my brother, see "Alice In Wonderland " by T.Burton.
Very good !
Landscapes and costumes are amazing as usual.
The story is of course a bit different that the original written by L.Carrol, but interresting.
More mature and the message inside, is not really understandable for children ( I saw children who were 4 or 5 o_o ).

To be oneself, learn that sometimes we must to say "no", decide oneself of our life.

I'm too lazy to write more today, I'm sorry.
I will write more for the movie's DVD lol.

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Banksy es el pseudónimo de unprolífico artista del graffiti británico. Se cree que nació en Yate, localidadcercana a Bristol, en 1974, pero los datos acerca de su identidad son inciertosy se desconocen detalles de su biografía. Según Tristan Manco, Banksy"nació en 1974 y creció en Bristol, Inglaterra. Hijo de un ingeniero defotocopiadoras, entrenó como un carnicero pero se vio implicado en el graffitidurante el boom del aerosol en Bristol a de los 80'". Su trabajo, en sugran mayoría piezas satíricas sobre política, cultura pop, moralidad y etnias,combina escritura con graffiti con el uso de estarcidos con plantilla. Su arteurbano combina escritura con una técnica de stencils muy distintiva, similar aBlek le Rat, quien empezó a trabajar con stencils en 1981 en París; y miembrosde la banda de anarco-punk Crass, que mantuvieron una campaña con stencils enlas instalaciones del metro de Londres a finales de los 70's e inicios de los80's. Banksy reconoció la influencia de Blek diciendo "cada vez que creoque he pintado algo ligeramente original, me doy cuenta de que Blek Le Rat lohizo mejor, sólo veinte años antes."Sus obras se han hecho populares alser visibles en varias ciudades del mundo, especialmente en Londres”.


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