Online game Legend of Edda - Open Beta!

The free anime MMORPG "Legend of Edda" starts today in the open beta! Now, anyone who wants to check the colorful online game out once, can do so without a Beta Key. Until now, could test the 10,000 players in Germany and France, the online game once, now is the circle of players who gets access to Legend of Edda, expanded.

The online game Legend of Edda is one of the MMORPGs, 2011,which was already expected joyfully. Charming graphics and a beautiful game world, combined with a lot of PvP, let the hearts of Manga-MMORPG-Fans beat faster, and they can now take a first look hilarious in the free online game.

Lots of PvP and PvE in MMO Legend of Edda
The main feature of the free MMORPG Legend of Edda are the major faction battles, which can be attended up to 100 players per faction. The battles take place every 30 minutes, and: There are level ranges for all those great battles. Meanwhile, in order to allow a fair fight, all relevant players can also look forward to be buffed for the duration of the fight to the maximum level of the stage level. Also ideal for players who like to play during leveling the PvP already.

Players, who gamble on the other hand prefer PvE, can look forward to a dungeon system, which includes many different instances. Here, the players now also open a new Level Cap, namely Level 40. After reaching this maximum level, meanwhile, it should be, according to "OnNet Europe", also much end content that will be extensively tested in the coming days.

Successfully completed Closed Beta
According to "Björn Loesing", the product manager of the free MMO Legend of Edda, one was even surprised with the positive feedback from the players. Meanwhile, you can have in the first circles can be run through existing group of selected players, the online play, the critical test runs, and the so successful start, now the open beta can begin.

In order therefore to thank the diligent testers will receive 10 of these in-game cash, which can be used in all MMORPGs of OnNet.

If you also want to participate in the Open Beta of the free MMORPG Legend of the Edda , you should get started soon, because the first test-phase is only open until 12 July 2011 last. Then there will be more open test runs in order to improve the online game for its players.

Simply follow the link to the official website of the MMORPG Legend of Edda and learn more there!

Play Legend of Edda!

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Will/Do you maybe play it?
Do you like the review, pictures and the trailer of it?
Tell me your opinions in the comments below please!

Have a nice day!

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