Trinity Church


Our fashion design teacher was not here today, 
She was with some classmates at Anvers
for aexhibition of knitwear.
I had a bit of time before school to go to the Church next to my school,
and take some photos.
I wished  to do it since a while ^^

Unfortunately I missed my train, 
I did not a lot of time, 
I had to do it fast.

I do like churches, 
make me calm and in peace,
in Normandy,
I go to the one of the village and stay to listen music,
like ERA, Trobar de Morte or QNTAL,
and sometimes GPKISM.

The architecture of churches are conducive to imagine
some "dark-romantic" stories
with secrest, mysteries, investigations ...
When I had time, I loved to read many books like that.

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