Last day before internship


Last day before internship,
it was the dead line for our casual project.
I went to sleep at 3am to "finish"
 but I'm not satisfied at all.

It was the last day for our fashion design teacher ;_;
He has the opportunity to found a "financier" for his collections :)
So, he couldn't teach us, plus his collection, plus ...

We the other class, we assessed and bought him
shoes a bowtie.
We all wrote a lil' word on cards too.


His website

So, this morning we didnt work,
well, ok , some yes , even me at the begining to finish our project XD

After school I went to my father's job to have lunch with him:

Mc Donald's 

Carambar in the street XD

As usual, Italian restaurant =D
and asual :
Tortellini with porcini mushrooms


The afternoon, I went to get girls, but I left just after to go with Evy
to the cultural center of my hometown.
There, there and association to help customers about many things,
we asked help about our plane tickets  for Tokyo, booked for next july.
I hope we could get our money back.
I'll made a post about it later, because I think we are not the only one to be
in the same situation.
Now, since a few days, french government published
an article which advice  not to go to Japan espacially Tokyo, Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki and Tochigi.

Evy's Present
She found it at Claire's XDD
" pink koala with a crown, it was made for you"
Thank you my wife <3 x)

Outfit of the day
That dress made me small XD

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